What is a Courtesan Style Escort?

A Courtesan does not choose this lifestyle out of any sort of necessity. Courtesans chose to do this because it allows them to live in such a way that was enviable to many.

Courtesans only met with a lover if they could help provide them with a certain standard of living. A courtesan is desirable, be it for their beauty, sexuality whit or even knowledge they use their assets to gain a style of living that is extremely comfortable. As well as jewelry, courtesans also received the money to provide a home which could be decorated in any style and they desire. In olden times everything was provided for them and all that was required of them was to entertain their man in any area he wished, whether it be intellectually or sexually.


My New contact Number is 07770 696945

About Amelia Rose, a Courtesan style mature VIP Escort offering a High Class Incall and outcall service in birmingham and the west midlands

If you are looking for an genuine, VIP, high class, courtesan style service from an extremely affectionate, feminine and exiting woman who knows just how to spoil, pleasure and please her man you have come to exactly the right place.

I love all types of date, from an hour of fun and frolics through to a fabulous dinner date with all the after's we can take! Please don’t be afraid to call I don’t bite unless asked to.

First timers and experienced gentlemen are all welcome, all I ask is that you are polite, clean and happy to play by the rules. This means everything is totally safe and relaxed, and then we can let our hair down, fulfil and explore all our fantasies together.

For those that like to know a little more about their new companion.

Age: Forties
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue / Green
Height: 5’ 4’’
Smoker: Non Smoker
Measurements: 36 E – 26 – 36
Dress Size: 10/12
Shoe size: 4/37
Favourite Drink: Wine, Champagne and Sol
Favourite Lingerie: Agent Provocateur, La Perla and Myla
Favourite Perfume: Chanel
Favourite Foods: Thai, Steak and chips and Lobster.
Favourite Flowers: Peonies and Roses

Please take a few moments to read through all the information on my site particularly the arrangements for making an appointment
